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IRRoC Search


CIDCM seeks to prevent and transform conflict, to understand the interplay between conflict and development, and to help societies create sustainable futures for themselves.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The first and only national resource dedicated to addressing the language needs of the Intelligence Community (IC). CASL's overarching mission is to defend and protect our country by improving our language readiness and capabilities.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The CLIP laboratory at Maryland is engaged in designing algorithms and building systems which allow computers to effectively and efficiently perform human language-related tasks and is part of the broader language science initiative at Maryland. The lab is a part of the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS).

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The National Foreign Language Center (NFLC) is dedicated to promoting a language-competent society by developing and disseminating information that informs policy makers. The mission of the NFLC is to improve the capacity of the U.S. to communicate in languages other than English. We implement that mission through intensive and innovative strategic planning and development with globalized institutions, organizations, and enterprises throughout the United States.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The mission of the Language Science Center is to advance language science at the University of Maryland and beyond, through integrated research and training that links fundamental science with applications in education, technology, and health.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The Institute provides support for theoretical and experimental research in areas at the intersection of traditional disciplines. Current research programs are in the areas of Applied Mathematics, Biophysics, Chaotic Dynamics, Chemical Physics, Optical Physics, Space Physics, Scientific Computation, and Statistical Physics.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The mission of IREAP is to advance modern science through research and educational programs that are interdisciplinary between physical science and engineering.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


Performs major experimental and theoretical research programs that are dedicated to the goals of controlling and exploiting quantum systems.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The Joint Space-Science Institute is a research partnership between the Astronomy and Physics departments at University of Maryland (UMD) and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. It was created in 2010 to foster interdisciplinary collaborations between astronomers, physicist and astrophysicists in fields related to the study of strong gravity in black holes, high-energy astrophysics and astroparticle physics, cosmology and gravitational waves.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


A unique facility where university and federal government personnel collaborate on research in advanced communication and computer technologies.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


Faculty work to develop and apply advanced remote sensing capabilities and GI Science that will help to develop the next generation of GI technologies and understanding of the world's geography.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The Center for American Politics and Citizenship (CAPC) addresses major issues of governance today and trains future leaders to grapple with the pressing issues of tomorrow. CAPC provides research, education, and outreach to promote an informed and engaged public and more effective and responsive government.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


MC2 partners with government and industry to provide educational programs to prepare the future cybersecurity workforce, and develop new, innovative technologies to defend against cybersecurity attacks.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


Partnership with The MITRE Corporation solely dedicated to enhancing cybersecurity and protecting national information systems.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


A university-based research center committed to the scientific study of the causes and human consequences of terrorism in the United States and around the world.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The Center is an open-access facility to all academic and industrial clients. It is designated to bridge and transfer NMR technology between theoretical research and practical application in chemical structure analyses. We provide the latest Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, NMR, technology for analytical and research projects for chemical structure elucidation. We also offer training and workshop for educational programs. Service includes product analysis (multi-nuclei detection) for quality and purity controls; advanced multi-dimensional NMR detection for complex compounds. Consultation, research and development for new studies are available.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The facility provides high field NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) instrumentation to support the UMCP research community through measurements of biomolecules, macromolecules and systems of biological interest. The facility provides advanced training opportunities for students and acts as a hub for interdisciplinary collaborations. The facility also provides NMR analysis services for internal and external users.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The Bioprocess Scale-Up Facility (BSF) is the Biotechnology Research and Education Program's modern bioprocessing laboratory dedicated to the development and scale-up of biotechnology products and processes. With over 1000 fermentations conducted since 1998 alone, the BSF has accelerated the R&D of local biotechnology leaders such as Human Genome Sciences, NIH and MedImmune, as well as growing Maryland start-ups such as Martek Biosciences and Digene Corporation.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


In November, 2013, the University of Maryland School of Medicine launched (dedicated) the Center for Innovative Biomedical Resources (CIBR), the administrative home for the UMSOM biomedical core resources. CIBR serve(s) as a center of excellence for state-of-the-art technologies, high-tech instrumentation, and expertise that supports biomedical research, clinical practice and health care in the state of Maryland and the region. Renovation of nearly 30,000 square feet of space was accomplished with $7.3 M in funding from an NIH grant (1G20RR030969, Reece, PI), made possible through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Newly renovated space allows physical consolidation of many core facilities in common space, creating a dynamic environment that will enhance and stimulate high impact research through a trans-disciplinary approach. New facilities give faculty greater access to sophisticated instrumentation, as well as highly-trained technical staff who can offer support to faculty on experimental design, data analysis and interpretation, and provide training opportunities for graduate and medical students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty within the University and its collaborators.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


Established by the Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, the Genomics Core provides faculty and students with a centralized resource where users have the opportunity to access automated nucleic acid sequencing and analysis instrumentation, as well as Real-Time PCR (qPCR) technology. The Genomics Core provides researchers with the opportunity to access a 3730xl DNA sequencer (Sanger sequencing) and two Real-Time PCR machines. Services include training on all equipment. Services do not include sample preparation.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The mission of the GLM Wind Tunnel includes the following. The GLMWT team works to advance the level of aerodynamic design of vehicles and other devices by generating appropriate design and development test data. We advance the state of the art in aerodynamics, fluid mechanics, and closely related disciplines experimental research. We advance the state of the art in tunnel testing methods including modeling arrangements, instrumentation, and increasing the integration of computational capabilities for rapid data presentation and rapid comparison of results of measurements, analyses, and computational simulations. We contribute to the education of undergraduates and graduate students by engaging them in our laboratory work, and by providing our capabilities to support their research projects. We provide research and development expertise, service, and education to citizens of the area, state, and nation by being available to companies and government agencies, by hosting visitors and engaging in other activities to enhance and broaden the understanding of the influence of aerodynamics in various human activities.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The Imaging Core provides researchers with the opportunity to image live, fixed, unlabeled or fluorescently labeled samples using one of several available microscopes, including a Zeiss LSM710 confocal, a Leica SP5X confocal, and an Axiophot Fluorescence microscope. Services include training on all equipment, guidance on experimental design and Director-assisted microscope operation.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


A professionally staffed, full-service micro and nano processing center supporting nano materials, electronics, optics, sensors and microelectromechanical systems (MEMs) research and development.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


Our newest lab, the NanoOptics Lab is dedicated to optical metrology of materials and devices. Our tools include an FTIR spectrometer and a Horiba UV-Vis imaging spectrometer. Our NT-MDT NTEGRA Spectra Scanning Probe Microscope is configured for confocal Raman capability. In addition to standard materials, the NT system can handle wet, electrochemical, and biological samples.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The AIMLab is dedicated to the characterization of the structure and composition of a broad spectrum of hard and soft materials and biological systems with nanometer resolution. These capabilities are used for research, and the teaching and training of students. The research performed in the laboratory is focused on the characterization of materials and structures in the areas of biomaterials, multifunctional and smart materials, nanostructured materials, nanodevices and geological materials.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide

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