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Submitting proposals, conducting research, and administrating sponsored projects involves many different people and units throughout the University of Maryland campus. While there may be some minor variations in processes from department to department and college to college, this page outlines the general process and identifies the appropriate party that has primary responsibility for different activities throughout the life cycle of a sponsored award.

Category: Research Strategy, Planning and Partnerships
College: Campuswide


Our professionals provide expert guidance, project consultation, and technical assistance on various aspects of data curation, especially creating and disseminating open data, code, and other research products. You can consult us about data governance issues, documentation and metadata, data sharing and publishing, long-term archiving, and related topics. In some cases, we can perform pre-dissemination cleaning, transformation, and integration. In addition, we can help with data management or data sharing plans for funding agencies and journals.

Category: Technology Services
College: Campuswide


Statistical consulting is free to all members of the UMD research community (undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff), in all departments and disciplines. Research is increasingly data-driven, and we are available to answer your statistics and analysis questions through email or an in-person consultation. We currently specialize in SAS, SPSS, R, and can also provide support on Survey Design and Analysis.

Category: Technology Services
College: Campuswide


Subject Specialist Librarians can help by providing one-on-one research assistance, purchasing materials (including data) in your discipline, answering questions about publishing and copyright issues, and identifying gaps in the literature when you're planning a research project, and navigating library resources. Visit the Meet Your Librarian page to find out more about your librarian and request an appointment.

Category: Library Resources
College: Campuswide


Subawards funded by an outside sponsor and performed under a proposal submitted by UMD are governed by ORA procedures published in the Subcontracting Manual. This page describes the procedures and provides forms and resources for requesting, monitoring, and closing out subawards issued in support of research, development, and training. For subaward forms and sample budgets and invoices, click on the See Also link below.

Category: Research Administration Guidance
College: Campuswide


Citation managers (e.g. EndNote Web, Zotero, etc.) help researchers keep track of their references for dissertations, journal articles, or any other writing needs. The software also facilitates the downloading of citations and content directly from online databases. The tools help researchers create citations and bibliographies, then easily format them in a wide variety of styles.

Category: Research Administration Guidance
College: Campuswide


UMD policy on sponsored research agreements supports the dissemination of research results. The University System of Maryland does not enter into agreements to carry out research if the grant, contract, or other award instrument restrains the freedom of the University and its faculty to disclose the existence of the grant or contract, the general nature of the inquiry to be conducted, or the identity of the sponsor. The University reserves, for its faculty, the right to publish the results of the research without the prior approval of the sponsor.

Category: Research Policy, Safety, Compliance, and Training
College: Campuswide


Laboratory notebooks are commonly used to document the progress of research, but are also an important resource in proving the University's right to obtain a U.S. patent for an invention. Find tips for proper documentation and notebook procedures.

Category: Research Policy, Safety, Compliance, and Training
College: Campuswide


The Office of Technology Commercialization's (OTC) primary purpose is to serve the University's faculty, staff, and students and aid in the technology transfer and commercialization processes. We can help you obtain intellectual property protection, increase your research funding through successful partnerships with business and government, and supplement your income with royalty and licensing revenues. Our interdisciplinary team is here to guide your technology through the often confusing technology transfer cycle.

Category: Research Policy, Safety, Compliance, and Training
College: Campuswide


Data loss can occur at any time as a result of unstable hardware or software, viruses, power surges, or accidents. Protect your research with DIT's data backup service. DIT will configure your backup access according to the data retention and storage management policies you select. Such policies have been engineered with UMD-specific requirements and Disaster Recovery best practices in mind, so you can fully be sure that your backup data is protected, secured and restorable at all times.

Category: Technology Services
College: Campuswide


The Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM) collects, preserves, and provides public access to the scholarly output of the university. Faculty and researchers can upload documents, data, code, and other research products for rapid dissemination, global visibility and impact, and long-term preservation. You can track views and downloads of your research, and everything in DRUM is indexed by Google and Google Scholar. You receive a permanent DOI for your items, making it easy for other researchers to cite your work. Depositing research in DRUM can help you satisfy data management and sharing requirements from the NSF, NIH, and other funding agencies and journals.

Category: Technology Services
College: Campuswide


The University Libraries' Digital Data Services program provides software development services to the broader communities and partners of the University of Maryland. Services include application development, application hosting and consultation on software engineering practices.

Category: Technology Services
College: Campuswide


When your thesis or dissertation is complete, the Office of the Registrar delivers it to the university's Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM) for online publication. DRUM is an open-access archive that is accessible by everyone. The Office of the Registrar also supplies it to Proquest, who logs, indexes, and publishes them on Digital Dissertations, a nationwide clearinghouse of theses and dissertations, to which the vast majority of US theses and dissertations are submitted.

Category: Technology Services
College: Campuswide


Before you sign a publishing agreement with a journal or press, consult the experts in the University of Maryland Libraries about your right to reproduce and redistribute your work. We can help you understand your rights and options. We can also provide advice about open-access publishing.

Category: Research Administration Guidance
College: Campuswide


The University of Maryland Libraries can provide advice and assistance on all aspects of copyright and open access. We can help you deal with publishers, use other people's work, and use open licenses such as Creative Commons.

Category: Research Administration Guidance
College: Campuswide


Apply for funds to cover fees associated with open access publishing. The University of Maryland Libraries Open Access Publishing Fund covers article processing charges (APCs) levied by peer-reviewed open access journals. We can also help you assess the reputation and impact of an open-access journal or monograph publisher.

Category: Research Administration Guidance
College: Campuswide


Subawards must be officially closed at the end of the contract or award. At closeout, the PI officially attests that the terms and conditions have been met, all deliverables have been received and are acceptable, final invoices have been processed, and no further action is required.

Category: Research Administration Guidance
College: Campuswide


Find out more about IT's Networked-Storage, SAN Storage, Data Protection, and Data Archive Services.

Category: Technology Services
College: Campuswide


The Collaboratory has a large visualization space that sets it apart from most labs/resources at the University of Maryland. A large, slightly-curved projection wall (22' x 7 1/2') anchors one end of an intimate, inviting and flexible space that can seat up to 35 comfortably, 40-45 less so. This space has been used for classes, lectures, small conferences, receptions, and as a technology laboratory wherein students/researchers might test drive new equipment or ideas.
Project consultation and guidance for an array of research and teaching needs is a strength of personnel within the Collaboratory, with particular expertise in: image manipulation (Photoshop); three-dimensional modelling (principally Sketchup); visual database manipulation (especially Google Earth, but a growing number of approaches for visualizing humanities-centered data sets); teaching tools (exploiting PowerPoint, Prezi, et al. for maximum results)

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide

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