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Box is a cloud-based storage and collaboration system that provides a Web interface for uploading, downloading, sharing, and discussing files. Box is designed to work on Macs, PCs, smartphones, and tablets, so it gives you access to your files from just about anywhere. Click on the See Also link below to find out more about using your UMD Box account.

Category: Technology Services
College: Campuswide


The University Libraries' Digital Data Services program provides software development services to the broader communities and partners of the University of Maryland. Services include application development, application hosting and consultation on software engineering practices.

Category: Technology Services
College: Campuswide


Need to conduct a survey for your research project? Develop your surveys online and distribute them by email or web link. Surveys can be anonymous or linked to an individual or tracking number. You must have UMD credentials to create and distribute, but surveys can be completed by anyone with internet access.

Category: Technology Services
College: Campuswide


The Division of Research has organized university projects and centers into several key areas and themes to assist researchers in identifying work being done in those areas.

Category: Research Strategy, Planning and Partnerships
College: Campuswide


ESSR offers a variety of online and classroom-style training sessions on matters related to lab and environmental safety. Also from this page, you can find a list of training requirements, information on developing lab specific training, training videos and pamphlets, and access to individual and departmental training records.

Category: Research Policy, Safety, Compliance, and Training
College: Campuswide


A conflict of interest occurs when a member of the University community is in a position to gain personal benefit or financial advantage from their University position, either through outside professional activities or through their actions or decisions at the University.

Category: Research Policy, Safety, Compliance, and Training
College: Campuswide


Using graphics, images, maps, diagrams or animations is an effective way to communicate your research data and tell a story about your findings. The Campus Visualization Partnership (CVP) hosts visualization lectures to help researchers develop eye catching and accurate graphics.

Category: Technology Services
College: Campuswide


Find out more about IT's Networked-Storage, SAN Storage, Data Protection, and Data Archive Services.

Category: Technology Services
College: Campuswide


The HCIL develops advanced user interfaces and design methodology. Primary activities include collaborative research, publication and the sponsorship of open houses, workshops and symposiums.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The mission of UMIACS is to catalyze research in computing and interdisciplinary applications of computing. UMIACS has fostered and enhanced strong interdisciplinary research programs which have greatly facilitated our national and international leadership role in multi-disciplinary computing.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The primary goal of the Center for Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modeling (CSCAMM) is to foster research and educational activities that highlight novel computational algorithms and mathematical modeling and their interplay with physical science, biological science, and engineering.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The Center for Automation Research (CfAR) at the University of Maryland is a leader in research and education involving computer vision, computer visualization, perceptual interfaces, and language and media processing.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


QuICS advances research and education in quantum computer science and quantum information theory, aiming to understand and advance the power of quantum systems to process information.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


CEEE provides innovative solutions to industry's research and development challenges and cost-effective, timely technology transfer. CEEE has developed a highly flexible and task-oriented consortium structure that emphasizes pre-competitive research.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The group's focus is developing highly ordered nanostructures that offer a unique testbed for investigating the underpinnings of storing electrical energy.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


A multidisciplinary initiative dedicated to advancing the frontiers of energy science and technology, with a special focus on forward-looking approaches for alternative energy generation and storage.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The largest electronic products and systems research center focused on electronics reliability, is dedicated to providing a knowledge and resource base to support the development of competitive electronic components, products and systems.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The activities of the Center cover a diverse set of topics such as transportation performance measures, transportation system management and operations, data visualization, data fusion, systems engineering, project management, and interoperability of first responders.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


ISR was one of the pioneers in creating tools which address the need to analyze and simulate new types of automated, distributed, adaptable, resilient, extensible and economically competitive systems.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The State's comprehensive training and education system for emergency services. The Institute plans, researches, develop, and delivers quality programs to enhance the ability of emergency services providers to protect life, the environment, and property. MFRI is the State's fire and emergency service training agency.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The Maryland NanoCenter is the hub of a network of interdisciplinary researchers, faculty, labs, and organizations with the goal of advancing the knowledge and understanding of all things nano. We strive to deliver high quality tools, advice and service to the entire mid-Atlantic region research community and beyond. Services and Technologies Offered: FabLab, NISPLab, NanoOptics Lab

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


An interdisciplinary research center housed in the Institute for Systems Research within the A. James Clark School of Engineering. The mission of the center is to advance robotic systems, underlying component technologies, and applications of robotics through research and educational programs that are interdisciplinary in nature and based on a systems approach.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The Maryland MRSEC carries out nationally recognized fundamental research on surfaces and interfaces of materials with potential impact on the next generation of opto- and nano-electronic devices, and on complex oxides with potential applications in memory, switches and sensors.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


Lockheed Martin, University of Maryland Partner to Develop Next Generation Quantum Computer. The Quantum Engineering Center researches applied quantum science that connects physics, information science, and engineering.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


The goal of ESSIC is to enhance our understanding of how the atmosphere, ocean, land, and biosphere components of the Earth interact as a coupled system and the influence of human activities on this system. This is accomplished via studies of the interaction between the physical climate system and biogeochemical cycles

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide

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