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Submitting proposals, conducting research, and administrating sponsored projects involves many different people and units throughout the University of Maryland campus. While there may be some minor variations in processes from department to department and college to college, this page outlines the general process and identifies the appropriate party that has primary responsibility for different activities throughout the life cycle of a sponsored award.

Category: Research Strategy, Planning and Partnerships
College: Campuswide


Reliable and secure data center facilities are available for IT hardware colocation use by college and departmental IT units and researchers. Equipment owners provide their own technical support. Accommodations are made for both remote and physical access to equipment.

Category: Technology Services
College: Campuswide


Need a customized hardware, software, storage and backup, or online solution for your research project? Speak with one of our IT professionals to set you on the right path toward maximizing your resources and utilizing the IT infrastructure that the University offers. We can help you develop a plan for your proposal, estimate costs for budgets, plan for data access and security concerns, and connect you with the resources you need to complete your research.

Category: Technology Services
College: Campuswide


Our professionals provide expert guidance, project consultation, and technical assistance on various aspects of data curation, especially creating and disseminating open data, code, and other research products. You can consult us about data governance issues, documentation and metadata, data sharing and publishing, long-term archiving, and related topics. In some cases, we can perform pre-dissemination cleaning, transformation, and integration. In addition, we can help with data management or data sharing plans for funding agencies and journals.

Category: Technology Services
College: Campuswide


The Certificate Program consists of two learning tracks, a beginner track designed for early-to-mid career research administrators and follows the lifecycle of a sponsored project from proposal development through closeout and an advanced track intended to give a deeper understanding of contract and grant administration. Topics include intro to sponsored research at the University of Maryland College Park, developing and submitting the proposal, establishing an award, project management I and II, closeout and beyond and beginner track capstone.

Category: Research Administration Guidance
College: Campuswide


The Principal Investigator is responsible for the overall management of his or her sponsored project. Many times, this responsibility is managed on the PI's behalf by a departmental business person. Post award management includes reconciling accounts on a repeating basis to ensure only those reasonable, allocable and allowable expenses are charged to the sponsored project, tracking the effort of key personnel, tracking the performance to ensure that the project is completed in a timely manner and ensuring that the specific award terms are followed.

Category: Research Administration Guidance
College: Campuswide


Subawards funded by an outside sponsor and performed under a proposal submitted by UMD are governed by ORA procedures published in the Subcontracting Manual. This page describes the procedures and provides forms and resources for requesting, monitoring, and closing out subawards issued in support of research, development, and training. For subaward forms and sample budgets and invoices, click on the See Also link below.

Category: Research Administration Guidance
College: Campuswide


The OMB Uniform Guidance is a set of regulations that impact the proposals you develop for federal funding, the way grants and contracts are managed, and the cost principles that guide research at the University of Maryland College Park.

Category: Research Administration Guidance
College: Campuswide


The IACUC reviews the use of animals in research, testing and teaching to ensure the humane and ethical use of animals, and compliance with federal laws and their associated regulations, policies and guidelines.Researchers must have IACUC approval to conduct research that involves vertebrate animals.

Category: Research Policy, Safety, Compliance, and Training
College: Campuswide


UMD has a mission of promoting academic freedom and sharing of information to the greatest extent possible. However, in some cases, UMD researchers may create or have access to sensitive technologies that are controlled by US export laws. Researchers and administrators dealing in sensitive technologies need to be mindful of the legal restrictions including the significant personal liability associated with handling sensitive technologies. It is the primary goal of the Export Compliance Office (ECO) to protect our researchers and support research advancement by providing the least burdensome approach to complying with US export laws.

Category: Research Policy, Safety, Compliance, and Training
College: Campuswide


The Department of Environmental Safety (DES) ensures the safety of research at the University by aiding researchers in assessing and planning for hazards and risks, implementing controls for safety, and completing safety training. Researchers working with chemical or biological materials, radiation, environmental hazards, fire, boats, and researchers with specialized laboratory requirements should contact DES to prepare for research needs.

Category: Research Policy, Safety, Compliance, and Training
College: Campuswide


Researchers should be familiar with several key University Policies, including: Policy on Intellectual Property and Classified and Proprietary Work, Policy on Conflict of Interest, Export Control, roles and responsibilities, financial transactions and reporting, responsible contracting.

Category: Research Policy, Safety, Compliance, and Training
College: Campuswide


A financial conflict of interest (FCOI) disclosure must be submitted along with a proposal to any Public Health Service (PHS) agency, even if there is no FCOI present. The Research Compliance Office provides assistance in completing the disclosures through Researchers should also complete the required CITI program training on conflict of interest.

Category: Research Policy, Safety, Compliance, and Training
College: Campuswide


The CITI program offers courses to UM researchers on Responsible conduct of research (RCR) and Conflict of Interest (COI). RCR training is required for all undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and staff participating in and supported by funds from the National Science Foundation (NSF) or from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). Required training on COI can also be completed through the CITI program.

Category: Research Policy, Safety, Compliance, and Training
College: Campuswide


RCR training is required for all undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and staff participating in and supported by funds from the National Science Foundation (NSF) or from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA).

Category: Research Policy, Safety, Compliance, and Training
College: Campuswide


The IRB approves the initiation of and conducts periodic reviews of research involving human participants. An Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a committee that performs ethical review of proposed research to help assure the protection of the rights and welfare of human participants. Investigators also share the responsibility for protecting human participants. IRB review is required for any project at the University that is engaged in human subjects research by: intervening or interacting with living individuals for research purposes or, obtaining individually identifiable private information for research purposes.

Category: Research Policy, Safety, Compliance, and Training
College: Campuswide


The Office of Technology Commercialization's (OTC) primary purpose is to serve the University's faculty, staff, and students and aid in the technology transfer and commercialization processes. We can help you obtain intellectual property protection, increase your research funding through successful partnerships with business and government, and supplement your income with royalty and licensing revenues. Our interdisciplinary team is here to guide your technology through the often confusing technology transfer cycle.

Category: Research Policy, Safety, Compliance, and Training
College: Campuswide


Data loss can occur at any time as a result of unstable hardware or software, viruses, power surges, or accidents. Protect your research with DIT's data backup service. DIT will configure your backup access according to the data retention and storage management policies you select. Such policies have been engineered with UMD-specific requirements and Disaster Recovery best practices in mind, so you can fully be sure that your backup data is protected, secured and restorable at all times.

Category: Technology Services
College: Campuswide


Do you need high performance computing for your research project but do not have the funds to purchase equipment? The High Performance Computing Clusters (Deepthought, Deepthought2, and Bluecrab) are available to researchers at the University of Maryland. To access the computing power in these clusters, submit a request and proposal via electronic form to the HPC Allocations and Advisory Committee (AAC). The AAC's role is to foster the use of these HPC resources for research that can make appropriate use of the resources.

Category: Technology Services
College: Campuswide


Does your research project need access to data storage that allows for growth and worry-free management and security at a competitive price? Many times researchers resort to storing critical, unique data on the cheapest data storage device that offers the capacity they need but with little or no technical support. Consequently, research time and resources are diverted to managing storage hardware. With redundant, enterprise-level hardware, comprehensive support and competitive pricing of our Networked Storage Service, the Division of IT provides this valuable service to university researchers.

Category: Technology Services
College: Campuswide


Access University licensed and discounted software packages such as Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, Matlab, Oracle, Visual Studio, SharePoint and more!

Category: Technology Services
College: Campuswide


Interested in buying a new computer or software package at a discounted price here on campus? How about a new iPad or iPod? Well, you're in luck. The Terrapin Technology Store is open, and is operated by the Division of Information Technology as a service to University of Maryland students, faculty, and staff.

Category: Technology Services
College: Campuswide


The budget serves to identify the cost of the project to the sponsor. The budget also serves as a further measure of the Principal Investigator's capabilities since there must be a reasonable correlation between the project as described and the Principal Investigator's assessment of the various cost elements. This page includes templates for developing your budget and budget justification, as well as resources to help you estimate direct and indirect costs.

Category: Research Administration Guidance
College: Campuswide


ORA offers training on using Kuali Research (KR) to find information about sponsored research awards and proposals. ORA also offers training on KR data, using, and developing and submitting proposals using various electronic systems.

Category: Research Administration Guidance
College: Campuswide


Do you have a question about sponsored research projects? Check our FAQ's first! Questions answered are related to: preparing to apply for funding, preparing a proposal, policies that impact research, routing a proposal, transferring and managing an award

Category: Research Administration Guidance
College: Campuswide

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