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Need a customized hardware, software, storage and backup, or online solution for your research project? Speak with one of our IT professionals to set you on the right path toward maximizing your resources and utilizing the IT infrastructure that the University offers. We can help you develop a plan for your proposal, estimate costs for budgets, plan for data access and security concerns, and connect you with the resources you need to complete your research.

Category: Technology Services
College: Campuswide


The University of Maryland Libraries' GIS and Spatial Data Center's mission is to support all GIS users affiliated with the College Park campus. You can work with us in the following ways: Consult with geospatial experts to learn more about adding GIS, remote sensing, and spatial statistics into your research. Partner with geospatial experts on grants, existing research, and classes. Research spatial relationships with expert support in our GIS lab featuring the latest GIS, image processing, statistics, data science, and data visualization software packages. Learn how to create, manipulate, analyze, interpret, and manage spatial data and how to find existing spatial data sources.

Category: Campus Research Facilities
College: Campuswide


REDCap is a secure web application for building, managing, and deploying online surveys and databases. REDCap supports offline data collection and synchronization with the REDCap Mobile App, longitudinal and multi-arm studies, secure data storage, project level logging, and customizable user roles and data access groups. Contact us to determine if REDCap can support your project.

Category: Technology Services
College: Campuswide