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The OMB Uniform Guidance is a set of regulations that impact the proposals you develop for federal funding, the way grants and contracts are managed, and the cost principles that guide research at the University of Maryland College Park.

Category: Research Administration Guidance
College: Campuswide


The budget serves to identify the cost of the project to the sponsor. The budget also serves as a further measure of the Principal Investigator's capabilities since there must be a reasonable correlation between the project as described and the Principal Investigator's assessment of the various cost elements. This page includes templates for developing your budget and budget justification, as well as resources to help you estimate direct and indirect costs.

Category: Research Administration Guidance
College: Campuswide


The University of Maryland's travel policies are intended to facilitate travel and travel arrangements; to provide reimbursement for necessary expenses; and to protect travelers against the risk of loss while simultaneously maintaining the necessary controls for accountability. All travel is to be documented. Pre-approval is required for University of Maryland employee and sponsored visitor out-of-state and international travel. Pre-approval is required for University of Maryland travel which includes an overnight stay, regardless of whether the destination is in-state.

Category: Research Administration Guidance
College: Campuswide


Cost sharing or matching refers to that portion of a project or program costs not paid by the sponsor and/or is explicitly required by the program or solicitation, without which an application would be ineligible. These costs represent an implied or explicit agreement on the part of the University to assure that non-sponsor resources are contributed to a project, either from sources within or external to the University.

Category: Research Administration Guidance
College: Campuswide

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