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Citation managers (e.g. EndNote Web, Zotero, etc.) help researchers keep track of their references for dissertations, journal articles, or any other writing needs. The software also facilitates the downloading of citations and content directly from online databases. The tools help researchers create citations and bibliographies, then easily format them in a wide variety of styles.

Category: Research Administration Guidance
College: Campuswide


Before you sign a publishing agreement with a journal or press, consult the experts in the University of Maryland Libraries about your right to reproduce and redistribute your work. We can help you understand your rights and options. We can also provide advice about open-access publishing.

Category: Research Administration Guidance
College: Campuswide


The University of Maryland Libraries can provide advice and assistance on all aspects of copyright and open access. We can help you deal with publishers, use other people's work, and use open licenses such as Creative Commons.

Category: Research Administration Guidance
College: Campuswide


Apply for funds to cover fees associated with open access publishing. The University of Maryland Libraries Open Access Publishing Fund covers article processing charges (APCs) levied by peer-reviewed open access journals. We can also help you assess the reputation and impact of an open-access journal or monograph publisher.

Category: Research Administration Guidance
College: Campuswide

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